Vaccination, Travel and Pediatric Clinic in Mazatlan, Mexico


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Located in Centro across from the Cathedral and Municipal Building

Angel Flores 824, Centro, Mazatlán, Sinaloa 82000
About Mazatlan Vaccination Clinic

Pediatric, Neuropediatric and Vaccination Clinic

Dr. Lourdes Vazquez Salinas

All your vaccination needs in one location


Vaccines are essential to ensure your child is healthy and protected from infectious diseases. Vaccines can prevent infectious diseases that used to cause serious harm and death to many babies, children, and adults. Vaccines use very small amounts of antigens to help your child’s immune system recognize and learn to fight serious diseases. Without vaccines, your child is at risk. Click below to review the official vaccination schedule in Mexico.

Pregnant Women

Only you can protect your baby from whooping cough until they are vaccinated at two months of age. These first few months of life are when infants are at the greatest risk of contracting pertussis and having severe, potentially life-threatening complications from the infection. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) in the United States and Mexican Secretary of Health recommend that pregnant women be given the Tdap vaccine during the third trimester of each pregnancy.

Travel Clinic

Today more than ever, getting vaccinated before traveling is necessary to ensure global public health and to help you stay healthy during and after your travels. We offer recommended and required vaccinations for international travel such as yellow fever, typhoid, hepatitis A and B, amongst others.

Adults & Seniors

Immunizations are not just for children. Protection from some childhood vaccines can wear off over time. You may also be at risk for vaccine-preventable disease due to your age, job, lifestyle, travel, or health conditions. Especially older adults, who are more likely to suffer serious consequences from common infections like the flu, pneumococcal disease, and herpes zoster, commonly known as shingles.

We administer vaccines to prevent the following diseases

  • Influenza (Flu Shot)
  • Measles, Mumps and Rubella
  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • Whooping Cough (Pertussis)
  • Yellow and Typhoid Fever
  • Diphtheria
  • Tetanus Disease (Lockjaw)
  • Rabies
  • Pneumonia
  • Meningococcal Disease
  • Pneumococcal Disease
  • Poliomyelitis (Polio)
  • Rotavirus
  • Human Papillomavirus (HPV)